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Charoite– Earth Element -紫晶石

Origin: Siberia

History: Charoite comes from an area of Siberia once associated with political prisoners and has become a source of comfort and a symbol of endurance in adversity.


Due to its high frequency it helps overcome negative energies related to fear, and helps clean the aura, stimulating an energy level of love. Psychologically, Charoite helps on the acceptance of others, releasing deep fears, and helps overcome resistance and putting things into perspective. Brings up a more relaxing attitude towards life. This stone can also be used to overcome compulsions and obsessions. 

This a body regenerator when one is exhausted, regulates blood pressure. Treats the eyes, heart, liver, and pancreas. Reverses liver damage and alleviates cramps, aches and pains. Overcomes insomnia, and helps children have a calm sleep. It is helpful where dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is affecting the heart. Helps assist with autism and bipolar disorders.

Charoite enhances analytical abilities and the capacity for keen observation which leads to better decision-making and facilitates faster responses. It imparts vigor and determination in overcoming obstacles and tackling huge piles of work.

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